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Landslide Susceptibility - {Susceptibility}

1 – Least Susceptible Susceptibility – Landslides and other features related to slope instability are very rare to non-topographically low lying valley bottoms and alleviated floodplains. Part of the area may be underlain by material that lacks the strength to support steep slopes (Such as unconsolidated alluvium) but occupies a relatively stable position due to the flatness of the slope (lacks potential energy). Land within area 1 will probably remain relatively stable unless the topography is radically modifies.

\r\n 2 – Marginally Susceptible Area – This area includes gentle to moderate slopes underlain by relatively competent material or colluvium that is considered unlikely to remobilize under natural conditions. Also includes ridgetops and spur crests that are underlain by relatively competent material but flanked by steep, potentially unstable slopes. The stability of slopes within Area 2 may change radically in response to modification of the adjacent terrain.

\r\n 3 – Generally Susceptible Area – Slopes within this area are at or near their stability limits due to a combination of weaker materials and steeper slopes. Although most slopes within area 3 do not currently contain landslide deposits, the materials that underlie them can be expected to fail, locally, when modified because they are close to their stability limits.

\r\n 4 – Most Susceptible Area – This area is characterize by steep slopes and includes most landslides in upslope areas, whether apparently active at present or not, and slopes upon which there is substantial evidence of downslope creep of surface materials. Slopes within area 4 should be considered naturally unstable, subject to failure even in the absence of the activities of man.

\r\nUnmapped Area – Area not mapped because of significant modification by grading and/or development or mining activity

", "featureLongDescription": "

Susceptibility - {Susceptibility}

1 – Least Susceptible Susceptibility – Landslides and other features related to slope instability are very rare to non-topographically low lying valley bottoms and alleviated floodplains. Part of the area may be underlain by material that lacks the strength to support steep slopes (Such as unconsolidated alluvium) but occupies a relatively stable position due to the flatness of the slope (lacks potential energy). Land within area 1 will probably remain relatively stable unless the topography is radically modifies.

2 – Marginally Susceptible Area – This area includes gentle to moderate slopes underlain by relatively competent material or colluvium that is considered unlikely to remobilize under natural conditions. Also includes ridgetops and spur crests that are underlain by relatively competent material but flanked by steep, potentially unstable slopes. The stability of slopes within Area 2 may change radically in response to modification of the adjacent terrain.

3 – Generally Susceptible Area – Slopes within this area are at or near their stability limits due to a combination of weaker materials and steeper slopes. Although most slopes within area 3 do not currently contain landslide deposits, the materials that underlie them can be expected to fail, locally, when modified because they are close to their stability limits.

 4 – Most Susceptible Area – This area is characterize by steep slopes and includes most landslides in upslope areas, whether apparently active at present or not, and slopes upon which there is substantial evidence of downslope creep of surface materials. Slopes within area 4 should be considered naturally unstable, subject to failure even in the absence of the activities of man.

Unmapped Area – Area not mapped because of significant modification by grading and/or development or mining activity

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Slope Movement - {SLOPEMO}

Susceptibility - {SUSCEPT}

1 – Least Susceptible Susceptibility – Landslides and other features related to slope instability are very rare to non-topographically low lying valley bottoms and alleviated floodplains. Part of the area may be underlain by material that lacks the strength to support steep slopes (Such as unconsolidated alluvium) but occupies a relatively stable position due to the flatness of the slope (lacks potential energy). Land within area 1 will probably remain relatively stable unless the topography is radically modifies.

2 – Marginally Susceptible Area – This area includes gentle to moderate slopes underlain by relatively competent material or colluvium that is considered unlikely to remobilize under natural conditions. Also includes ridgetops and spur crests that are underlain by relatively competent material but flanked by steep, potentially unstable slopes. The stability of slopes within Area 2 may change radically in response to modification of the adjacent terrain.

3 – Generally Susceptible Area – Slopes within this area are at or near their stability limits due to a combination of weaker materials and steeper slopes. Although most slopes within area 3 do not currently contain landslide deposits, the materials that underlie them can be expected to fail, locally, when modified because they are close to their stability limits.

 4 – Most Susceptible Area – This area is characterize by steep slopes and includes most landslides in upslope areas, whether apparently active at present or not, and slopes upon which there is substantial evidence of downslope creep of surface materials. Slopes within area 4 should be considered naturally unstable, subject to failure even in the absence of the activities of man.

Unmapped Area – Area not mapped because of significant modification by grading and/or development or mining activity

", "featureLongDescription": "

Slope Movement - {SLOPEMO}

Susceptibility - {SUSCEPT}

1 – Least Susceptible Susceptibility – Landslides and other features related to slope instability are very rare to non-topographically low lying valley bottoms and alleviated floodplains. Part of the area may be underlain by material that lacks the strength to support steep slopes (Such as unconsolidated alluvium) but occupies a relatively stable position due to the flatness of the slope (lacks potential energy). Land within area 1 will probably remain relatively stable unless the topography is radically modifies.

2 – Marginally Susceptible Area – This area includes gentle to moderate slopes underlain by relatively competent material or colluvium that is considered unlikely to remobilize under natural conditions. Also includes ridgetops and spur crests that are underlain by relatively competent material but flanked by steep, potentially unstable slopes. The stability of slopes within Area 2 may change radically in response to modification of the adjacent terrain.

3 – Generally Susceptible Area – Slopes within this area are at or near their stability limits due to a combination of weaker materials and steeper slopes. Although most slopes within area 3 do not currently contain landslide deposits, the materials that underlie them can be expected to fail, locally, when modified because they are close to their stability limits.

 4 – Most Susceptible Area – This area is characterize by steep slopes and includes most landslides in upslope areas, whether apparently active at present or not, and slopes upon which there is substantial evidence of downslope creep of surface materials. Slopes within area 4 should be considered naturally unstable, subject to failure even in the absence of the activities of man.

Unmapped Area – Area not mapped because of significant modification by grading and/or development or mining activity

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Click here to view an Assessor Map. Click here for a PDF, if available.



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For more information, click here

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Click here to view the Airport Improvement Program Document.

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For more For more information of Fire Severity Zones click here.

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Hazard Class: {HAZ_CLASS}

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Click here to find out what it means to be in the Earthquake Fault Zone?

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Click here to view detailed soil information from the NRCS.


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Click here for more Hollister land use info

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Click here for more Hollister general plan info.

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{Zone_} - {Zone_full}

Click here for Hollister zoning info.

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Form more Zoning/General Plan info, click here.

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For more information, please click here.

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Minimum Acreage Size: {COMMENTS}

Click here for more information.

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Zone: {FullName}

Minimum Acreage Size: {COMMENTS}

For more information about San Benito County Planning Department, View


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Click here for more information.

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